Every blog starts with a first post, right? A “Hello, World!” post. This one is mine. It’s not the first time that I’ve written one of these, but I do hope it will be the last. While thinking about this, I looked for older blogs that I might have started. I found two – one on blogger and one on tumblr. I know I was writing online earlier, but those blogs have been lost. I can think of one or two older ones that might have been on blogger, one on Livejournal, and one on Deadjournal. But I have no access to any of them anymore. They’re all lost, like tears in the rain1.
I might bring these posts over here eventually. The Tumblr one, especially, since it has an archive of my Leica Year2. That was ten years ago, so I’ve been reflecting on that. It will be nice to have a page that looks back on the whole project.
Looking back at my blogs that still exist online, and those that exist as memories, I wonder what it would have looked like had I kept writing. Many of the blogs that I follow have been writing since the early 2000s. Not all of them write as prolifically as Kottke, Boing Boing, or Daring Fireball. Looking back through their archives, more than a few of them publish a few times a year. It’s a post when they come across something interesting, and so, it’s a documentation of their interests, and it’s lovely to see.
That’s why I’m writing here now. It might not always be a focused website, but I do expect there will be essays and shorter posts. There might be linked lists, and there will be photos. I’ll talk about making movies and all the frustration that comes with that, but I’ll also talk about playing D&D.
In short, welcome to my tiny corner of the internet. It’s not a lot, but I hope that there’s something for you. And if there isn’t, that’s cool. I’m writing for me this time.
Yes, that’s a straight quote from Blade Runner. No, I will not apologise for that. I can remember one of the (lost) posts I wrote being about the rain slicked roads of MSU reflecting the street lights. So, it’s an appropriate quote to use here. ↩
Here’s the post from The Online Photographer that kicked off the entire Leica Year for me and many other photographers. ↩