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Travel, Cash, and Potatoes: Lessons Learned on My First Film

Film production was an expensive and complicated thing when there isn’t a pandemic. Now that there is, the necessity of cast and crew safety, combined with the reality of releasing a movie without a theatrical run complicates production even further. Large studios have experimented with different release strategies from “in theatres only” for Tenet, ticketed within a paid subscription service for Mulan, and direct to streaming on their own paid subscription service platform, HBO Max, for no extra charge for everything from Warner Bros.

Securing the Dak Bangla

Josef – Born in Grace was the first film on which I worked in a professional capacity. So, fancy title notwithstanding, I was on the crew to pick up any slack that couldn’t be covered by anyone else. I approached this as an opportunity to learn about a job and industry that I only really […]

Why am I writing on a blog? Or, Hello, again, World!

Every blog starts with a first post, right? A “Hello, World!” post. This one is mine. It’s not the first time that I’ve written one of these, but I do hope it will be the last. While thinking about this, I looked for older blogs that I might have started. I found two – one […]